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An Evening of Learning and Connection: Bridging the Gap Between Speech Pathology and Early Learning

Recently, one of Kid Speak’s Senior Speech Pathologists, had the privilege of presenting at Leap Start Early Learning on the topic of Speech Pathology and early communication development. The goal was to provide educators with valuable insights into the importance of early intervention and support for children’s communication development.

The presentation covered a wide range of topics, including:

  • Definitions and milestones: We explored the key areas of Speech Pathology, such as expressive and receptive language, speech, social skills, stuttering and literacy. We also discussed important developmental milestones to keep in mind.
  • Tips for support: We shared practical tips and strategies that parents and educators can use to support children’s communication development at home and in the classroom. We discussed the importance of using visuals to enhance communication and understanding, both at home and in early learning centres.
  • Autism and communication: We discussed the topic of Autism and its impact on communication, emphasising the importance of early intervention. Our team supported the educators with understanding autism using a neurodiversity affirming lens and provided strategies to support parents through this journey, including the diagnostic process, accessing funding and commencing intervention, such as Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy. 
  • Funding and referrals: We explored available funding options and provided guidance on when to refer a child for Speech Pathology intervention.
  • Additional resources: Kid Speak shared a variety of resources that parents and educators can use to gain further support and information, including our milestone flyers and local providers that can be accessed. 

The presentation was a resounding success, and we were delighted to see the enthusiasm and engagement from the audience. 

Following this event, the staff at Leap Start gained a better understanding of the role of Speech Pathology in early childhood development and the importance of early intervention. Educators left the session with practical strategies they can implement to support children’s communication skills and when to refer parents for intervention. The event also fostered collaboration between local early learning centres and the Kid Speak team, which will support access to services and ongoing Speech Pathology collaboration in the community.

We are grateful for the opportunity to share our experience and knowledge with the Leap Start Early Learning community. By working together, we can create a supportive environment where all children can reach their full potential.

For more information please contact us at bridget@kidspeakperth.com.au 

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