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How to Access the NDIS to Fund Your Child’s Speech Therapy at Kid Speak

Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to fund your child’s speech therapy can seem overwhelming, but understanding the process can ensure your child receives the necessary support. Here’s a comprehensive guide to utilising NDIS funding for speech therapy at Kid Speak.

Understanding NDIS and Its Benefits for Speech Therapy

The NDIS is designed to support individuals with disabilities by providing funding for necessary and reasonable supports, which includes speech therapy for children. This funding can cover a range of services offered by Kid Speak, such as individual therapy sessions, social groups, and assistive communication devices.

Key Benefits of NDIS for Speech Therapy

  • Tailored Support: Personalised speech therapy plans to meet your child’s specific needs.
  • Comprehensive Services: Access to a variety of therapeutic services aimed at improving communication and social skills.
  • Assistive Technology: Coverage for devices that assist communication, including AAC devices and communication apps.

Steps to Access NDIS Funding for Speech Therapy at Kid Speak

Step 1: Determine Eligibility

To access NDIS funding, your child must meet specific eligibility criteria:

  • Age: If your child is under 9 years of age, they will access the NDIS through Wanslea Early Intervention services. A child over 9 years of age accesses services through NDIS
  • Residency: Australian citizen, permanent resident, or hold a Protected Special Category Visa.
  • Disability: A permanent and significant disability affecting daily life, including Intellectual Disability and Autism. A child under the age of 6 years old may be eligible for Wanslea Early Intervention funding through any developmental delay. Your child must present with difficulties across either expressive and receptive language, cognitive development, self care and/or motor development. 

Step 2: Prepare Documentation

Collect all relevant documentation, including medical reports, speech therapy assessments from Kid Speak, and other supporting documents. These will be crucial for demonstrating your child’s needs during the NDIS planning process.

Step 3: Develop a Plan

Before your NDIS planning meeting, clearly define your child’s goals and the support they need. This includes identifying specific speech therapy services, such as individual sessions, group therapy, and assistive technology provided by Kid Speak.

Step 4: Attend the NDIS Planning Meeting

During the planning meeting, work with your NDIS planner to create a detailed plan that includes the services provided by Kid Speak. Clearly communicate your child’s goals, the impact of their communication difficulties, and the specific supports required.

Step 5: Implement the Plan

Once the NDIS plan is approved, you can start accessing the supports outlined. Here’s how to effectively manage and utilise NDIS funds with Kid Speak:

  • Choose Kid Speak: Nominate Kid Speak as your service provider for speech therapy. Kid Speak are a registered NDIS provider, so all children on NDIS can access services with us. 
  • Monitor Progress: Regularly review your child’s progress with therapists at Kid Speak to ensure therapy sessions meet the goals outlined in the plan.
  • Keep Records: Maintain detailed records of all therapy sessions, expenses, and progress reports for future reviews and plan renewals. You can request therapy notes from your Kid Speak Speech Pathologist at any time. 

Utilising Assistive Technology Through NDIS

For children with significant communication difficulties, assistive technology can be required for functional communication. NDIS can fund various communication devices available through Kid Speak, such as AAC  devices and communication apps.

Types of Assistive Technology

  1. AAC Devices: Augmentative and Alternative Communication devices range from simple picture boards to high-tech speech-generating devices.
  2. Communication Apps: Apps designed to assist with speech and language difficulties can make learning engaging and interactive.

Selecting the Right Technology

Work with Kid Speak’s speech therapists to select the most suitable assistive technology for your child. The therapists can recommend devices and tools based on your child’s specific needs and goals. During this process, your therapist will trial multiple devices, then apply for the device that best suits the child and family. 

Consistent and Regular Therapy

Regular attendance and active participation in speech therapy sessions at Kid Speak are vital for progress. Consistent therapy helps maintain and improve the skills acquired, ensuring long-term benefits for your child.

Family Involvement and Support

Family involvement plays a critical role in the success of speech therapy. Support your child by:

  • Practising at Home: Incorporate speech therapy exercises into daily routines.
  • Creating a Supportive Environment: Foster a positive atmosphere that encourages communication.
  • Staying Informed: Educate yourself about your child’s difficulties  and best practices in speech therapy through resources provided by Kid Speak.

Reviewing and Updating the NDIS Plan

NDIS plans are typically reviewed annually to ensure they continue to meet your child’s needs. The NDIS may decide to continue the child’s funding level without a review. During the review, discuss any changes in your child’s difficulties  or therapy goals with the NDIS planner and update the plan accordingly.

Preparing for the Review

  • Document Progress: Keep detailed records of your child’s progress with Kid Speak’s therapists.
  • Identify New Goals: As your child progresses, new goals may emerge. Identify these and the supports needed to achieve them.
  • Communicate Clearly: Clearly communicate any changes in your child’s needs during the review meeting.


Navigating the NDIS to fund your child’s speech therapy at Kid Speak can seem complex, but with careful preparation and a clear understanding of the process, it is achievable. Our Kid Speak staff are here to support you through this process. By following these steps, you can ensure that your child receives the necessary support to enhance their communication skills and overall quality of life. Speech therapy at Kid Speak is essential in helping children with communication difficulties  reach their full potential, and NDIS funding can provide the means to access these necessary services. Stay informed, actively participate in planning and review processes, and continuously support your child’s therapy journey with Kid Speak.

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